Partnered Rehabilitation Research: Study Participants Needed!

If you are an orthotist or prosthetist who has partnered with researchers to conduct rehabilitation research in Canada, I would like to interview you to learn more about the evaluation and perceived effects of these partnerships! The interview will take 60 minutes and will be conducted via MS Teams. All participants will receive a $25 gift card. For more information, please click here.

Research aim
The overall aim of this study is to explore the perceived effects of partnered rehabilitation research on the research process and research outcomes within a Canadian context.

Research objective(s)

  1. Explore the effects of partnered research on the research process and outcomes, and how they are evaluated from the perspectives of rehabilitation researchers and knowledge users’ residing in Canada.

  2. Explore how partnered rehabilitation research affects the research process, such as (but not limited to) setting priorities, establishing research questions, choosing methods, collecting, analyzing, and disseminating findings from the perspectives of rehabilitation researchers and knowledge users’ residing in Canada.

  3. Explore how partnered rehabilitation research affects research outcomes such as (but not limited to) evidence informed clinical decision making, the production of useful research findings for knowledge users, and health system policy changes from the perspectives of rehabilitation researchers and knowledge users’ residing in Canada.

If you have any questions, please contact: Brenda Tittlemier ([email protected])